Were having a blast making new Cockblock goodies to enchant with our mystic Cockblock energies. One thing people have always been asking for is buttons! A great way to for people to show what they stand for with pride.
To keep up with the times Were releasing some special COCKBLOCK button sets to the webstore. We got three button sets available and to make them shine with that special Cockblock spice we are giving them each shocking and inappropriate names!
Cockblock Painty Panty Button Set
The Painty Panty Set comes with a pink Cockblock Button, an “I cockblock you” Photo Button, A rainbow painted cockblock logo button. And and orange button of yours truly. A sultry set for the spice of your life.
Cockblock Hip to be Square Button Set
The Hip to be Square Set comes with a blue Cockblock button, an colored cube wall of Cockblock Button, A ash grey cockblock logo button. And and purple button of me!. A great set for those who want to show others they are on the cutting edge of cockblocking trends.

Cockblock Cosmic Thrusting Button Set
The Cosmic Thrusting Set comes with a Yellow Cockblock button, an pink cube stack Cockblock Button, A Purple Spaaaace Cockblock logo button. And and green button of yours truly. An out of this world set to blow minds away with the power of the Cock!
These are all up in the store now so grab some today.