Cockblock doll recently took a quick trip down to the arcade to see the games.
What fun! Where will I go next?

A cursed toy with a conflicting purpose. A Cockblock doll can harness mystical powers of positive or negative. Will your Cockblock aid you in finding friendship and love, or plunge you and others into isolation and loneliness?
Learn more
The power of the CockBlock can now be yours to control! Get a enchanted Cockblock doll for yourself or a friend at the
Stitchmind Store.
Cockblock doll recently took a quick trip down to the arcade to see the games.
What fun! Where will I go next?
Hey Folks, Getting some more updates ready for the site soon. Yea I know its been a little too long but hey I started playing MINECRAFT. That’s a legit excuse as ClockBlock loves him some blocks in any form, and when they make a whole game out of them, Well that’s just more blocking then I can handle.
Speaking of Minecraft, Now is a good time to mention a a blog section I want to do, Cockmunity! Here I will be showing off great things others have done in the wondrous Cockblock Community.
Check out this fan-made creation someone made:
Got some cool Cockblock pics? Even better how about a Cockblock story! let me know so we can share it with others.