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Mewshroom needs help!
July 27, 2016 · CATEGORY: Announcements · BY:

Muuu muuu Myuu meuu myyy mueeu myu myu myu myu myuuu muuuuuu! Muuu mueeuyyyu Myuu muu myyy muu myu myu myu myu myuuu muueeeuuuu! Muuu muyyuu Myuu muu myyy myyeeuu myu myu myu myu myuuu muuueeuuu!


Hello! Mewshroom is happy but Mewshroom needs help! Mewshroom needs friends to come over to this realm but needs the power of crowdfunding to make friends come! Go to Mewshroom’s special website FUNGAPUSS.COM to learn more about ho to help Mewshroom as well as how to get a Mewshroom of your very own. Mush blessings from Mewshroom!

Mewshroom the Fungapuss

Something Deep Fried is Out There
April 16, 2016 · CATEGORY: Announcements · BY:

Sometimes Cockblock Magic can fall out of a pan and into a fire. For many this would be disastrous but for Cocklbock and crew the little hiccups are turned into great big lemonades. Remember whatever happens out there the Cockblock dolls will always try their best and some will survive in this harsh hungry world. Whatever the case we hear a strange crunchy sound in the distance and its coming closer, and all we think is the sizzling question: “Is Cockblock Magic really making the world a better place?”



Cockblock Doll Adventures: Dublin
February 12, 2016 · CATEGORY: Cockblock Doll Adventures · BY:

Time for some fun in the jolly streets of Ireland!

Hello friends. It is a chilly winter day and I have found my way to the magical green realm of Ireland. The land of luck, charms, and a lot of rocks and grass.

Today we will be making our way into the city of Dublin, the capital of this land of ire.

Like most European places, things are different then my homeland of the ‘muricas. For instance the roads to town are paved in stone and brick unlike the roads we have made of cheese and fried dough. (I may be mixing up America with a carnival, but I doubt anyone will spot the difference).

The tracks lead right into Dublin. Lots of old buildings stand with majestic history.

Wallpaper: Fishy!
January 25, 2016 · CATEGORY: Nuggets of Goodness · BY:

Fishy Cockblock has come to pose for your very desktop wallpaper! Give your work space a little fish lovin’!


Something Fishy is Out There
May 8, 2015 · CATEGORY: Announcements · BY:

Looks like our last adventure to the watery depths have caused a disturbance in the Cockblock Forces. Recent happenings have been reporting a strange finned presence out in the distance and heading our way. What moist horrors could be arriving at our doorstep? Something Fishy is definitely out there, I can smell it.



Cockblock Doll Adventures: Cockblock Goes to Morro Bay
May 6, 2015 · CATEGORY: Cockblock Doll Adventures · BY:

Ah the soothing sounds of the Ocean, my true home…

Hello friends! today’s adventure brings us to the majestic Morro Bay. A quaint little water world in the middle of California’s left side center.

As a chicken, I am always one with the ocean. One might say I have an affinity for it. My sealegs drag me to these little bayside tourist towns without consent. Now if only I could swim, or had legs even…

Morro Bay is a magical place famous for the Morro rock. A mystic rocky hill that the ancient ones called “da big blue lump”. *citation needed*
We are going to go visit it and see how much of a rock it is.

Cartoon Sea Otter greets us with a chilling, yet appropriate order.

Cockblock Doll Adventures: Cockblock in Hawaii Part 2
January 23, 2015 · CATEGORY: Cockblock Doll Adventures · BY:

Hello everyone! Welcome back to another installment of my exciting travels around the human lands. Today I am once again in Hawaii, but as I spent the last few days in the city, I decided to head out to the more rural areas to see what the fun was about.

Lush greens and warm dirt roads make a stark contrast to the hotel-laden busylands before, but there still plenty of room for tourism on this vacation hotspot!

Lots of little stores all around here. Most of them apparently sell seashells which is a product you can neither eat nor play with so I question the economic value…

I also found these crazy giant walnuts on the side of the road! People are telling me that these are not walnuts but they are obviously just trying to be part of my treasure.

Our first stop will be food. Out here restaurants are for babies, This shrimp truck however, complete with bikini shrimp babe sounds amazing.

I feel so powerful now.

Quick Pic: It will be mine.
January 16, 2015 · CATEGORY: Picture Time · BY:

One day I will be the pretty pretty princess I dreamed of being when I was a wee egg.


Dicken’s Fair Trip
December 25, 2014 · CATEGORY: Cockblock Doll Adventures · BY:

Happy Holidays from Cockblock. Were taking a little vacation for a bit but to celebrate the festivities heres some quick shots of my visit to the world famous Dicken’s Fair!


Quick Pic: Lets Head Out
December 15, 2014 · CATEGORY: Picture Time · BY:

Just looking around for my next great adventure.


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